Our Products
Olive oil
Olio extra vergine di oliva biologico Podere I Prati

The olive trees as well as the production of our organic olive oil “olio extra vergine di oliva biologico Podere I Prati” are located in the UNESCO world heritage site “Val d’Orcia”, which extends from the hills south of Siena to Monte Amiata, in Tuscany. This region is not only famous for its excellent olive oils and wines, but also for its historical importance in art and culture during the Italian renaissance.

Our olive grove is located at approximately 500 meters above sea level. This altitude combined with the central Italian climate creates a perfect environment for cultivating olive trees, with a greatly reduced risk to plants and fruits. The ideal conditions therefore make it unnecessary to use chemicals on our olives. Neither our land nor our olive trees have been treated with any chemical products for over 40 years. We continue to cultivate our land and produce olive oil according to European organic standards.

We harvest all olives ourselves by hand and have them pressed within 24 hours. This is the only way to ensure the supreme quality we stand for.
We harvest our olives early in the season in October, before the fruits are fully matured, in order to give priority to the quality and not to the quantity of our olive oil. The timing of the harvest ensures that the olives contain the maximum amount of unsaturated fatty acids, which are highly important for our health.
These are said to help reduce cholesterol, help lower high blood pressure, reduce the amount of insulin required by diabetics and even guard against the risk of certain cancers. It is also said that high-quality low-fat oils slow the cell-aging process.

The extraction of the olio extravergine di oliva must be a purely mechanical procedure. Our olives are cold-pressed, meaning they are not exposed to temperatures above 27°C in order to avoid natural fruit oxidation.
This process allows the oil to retain an intense fruity taste for longer periods.
Our oil is stored in stainless steel, airtight tanks at a temperature of between 10° and 15°C, thus avoiding contact with light, oxygen and heat, which are the key requirements for protecting and maintaining the quality of the fresh oil.
To maintain and prolong the sensory characteristics of your oil, we recommend storing the bottles in a cool, dark place.

With the certification from “IT BIO 007” for organic farming, we guarantee that with our production we respect nature and produce in a sustainable way. We are inspected at least once per year by the control authority “BIOAGRICERT” to ensure that we respect all organic, health and consumer protection rules.
Besides which we can personally guarantee that no chemical treatments have been used on our land for at least 40 years.

Organic olive oil extravergine
(price per litre 38 € excluding shipping).